information about psychology and free self help resources
Photo credit: Viktor Forgacs
Free Self Help Resources
Guided mindfulness meditation and relaxation practices, adapted and narrated by Dr. Ong, found here. Practices include the Three Minute Breathing Space and the Body Scan.
Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA) has downloadable self-help workbooks for managing depression, suicidal thoughts, and coping positively with health conditions.
Mindfulness training - downloadable guided mindfulness practices
Coping with Anxiety - Mindshift is a free mobile app, developed by Anxiety Canada, to help people cope with anxiety.
Psychology/Health Psychology:
Psychosocial factors and cardiovascular disease:
Bringing psychology to cardiac care:
Canadian Psychological Association features good quality information about the practice of psychology and fact sheets on how psychology can help.
Support for Caregivers - Caring for a loved one with mental health concerns can be challenging. Resources to support caregivers are available through Vancouver Coastal Health and Here to Help.
Mood Disorders of Canada provides information, support and advocacy for mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorders.
Anxiety Canada provides information and resources for anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Pain BC provides valuable information, supports, and resources about chronic pain and self-management (see the free downloadable "pain toolkit").
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies features information about psychological symptoms, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and fact sheets on the effectiveness of CBT.
National Sleep Foundation: features helpful information about sleep, sleep issues, treatments and resources.
CBT for Insomnia app
Vancouver Sleep Solutions: sleep apnea assessment and online self-test